Hi, there! ๐Ÿ‘‹

I'm Paulius

Front-End Engineer

A self-taught, eager to learn front-end engineer specializing in front-end web and mobile development. I enjoy creating beautiful, memorable products while keeping the simplicity for users to enjoy.

Paulius Liniovas picture

Work experience

Even though I'm still early in my career, I've had the opportunity to work with some amazing companies and people. Here are some of the places I've worked at

BisonCommerce.com Aug 2024 - Present
  • Mid-level Front-End Engineer
    • Currently working with React to implement new features, bring design to life. Help other team members with learning the modern front-end tech stack.
Appointible Jan 2022 - Sep 2023 ยท 1 yr 9 mos
  • Mid-level Front-End Engineer
    • Worked with React and React Native to implement features, improve performance by implementing optimizations, integrations with internal API's.
  • Junior Front-End Engineer
    • Was responsible for implementing features, maintenance using React.
    • Was responsible for building/maintaning the main landing page of the company using NextJS.

Side projects

I love working on side projects. Here are some of the projects I've worked on

An application used for managing invoices for truck drivers.

Invoices application

A simple application to manage invoices for truck drivers.

FiveM project

Game modifications

Creating custom resources for players to use on their custom servers in Grand Theft Auto 5 online modification - FiveM.

Lua data validation module

Custom OSS projects for FiveM

Creating custom modules/packages for developers in the FiveM community to use in their projects.


I have a strong command of the latest front-end technologies and frameworks. Here are some I tend to use the most

React logo React
React Native logo React Native
Tailwind CSS logo Tailwind CSS
shadcn/ui logo shadcn/ui
TanStack Query logo TanStack Query
Next JS logo NextJS
Astro logo Astro
TypeScript logo TypeScript
Vite logo Vite

And many more...